Yard Improvements: Before and After

Clothesline, before:

We are very lucky to have this clothesline in a yard. It's not necessarily beautiful, but it's so nice to have. I like to save a little money on energy to run the dryer and let mother nature dry my laundry for free.

Jonathan gave it a fresh coat with some paint we found in the basement.


Now doesn't it look sharp?

Another project Jonathan started today. Look at our window wells! In some of them, dirt comes up higher than the window sill. Before:


Yes, there is a cricket in there. There are crickets everywhere. They are loud but they seem to be leaving their carcasses all over, so I assume they're going to die away soon. Until next year.

The window wells are not completely finished. They will be dug further down and gravel added, when we get around to it.

And this is just a sampling of what we've done today. Later, I will show you the bedroom I've been painting and my brand new compost bin!


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