
I took the above photo because that was the cleanest and least cluttered my kitchen counter has ever been. (What you don't see pictured is the other counter where I piled all the dirty dishes.)

We had eleven people for Thanksgiving. My grandparents came, and I didn't want the possibly only time they ever saw my house (they don't travel much anymore) for it to be a cluttered mess. So I hid things.

It will probably never look like that again.

Corn kernels scattered like confetti. 

You'll notice that the tablecloth is the same as when I hosted the coffee group. That is because I only have one.

Both Jonathan's parents and my parents came, as well as my grandparents, an uncle, and my brother and his girlfriend. It was a full house, but not crowded at all.

This was the last photograph I took that day, because after that people started to arrive and I spent the time preparing food and talking to family and eating and not thinking about taking photographs. No food photos, despite it being a food holiday!

We enjoyed all the traditional Thanksgiving dishes, including our family twist on cranberry sauce--we make sherbet, not sauce, served in a little bowl next to your plate.

Everything went really well with help from others, especially my uncle who came the day before. I was very grateful that everyone could make it, especially my grandparents.

The only thing was I forgot to put out the relish tray. If that was my only failure, I guess I did pretty well.


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