Old Stone Arch Trail

Old Stone Arch
This limestone "Old Stone Arch" was originally built for the Rock Island railroad company. It's now part of the Old Stone Arch trail in Shelby, Iowa. Today Jonathan and I decided to get our bikes out and check it out.

We went from the Corn Crib gas station and restaurant by the interstate all the way to the end and back. Both ways was probably a little over 7.5 miles altogether. Of course I had to stop and look at any interesting flowers I saw.

Meadow anemone

Scouring rush, AKA horsetail
Also seen were black eyed susan, purple coneflower, purple prairie clover, hoary vervain, butterfly milkweed, prairie rose, and probably a few other things I forgot.

I think Jonathan and I were both thinking "why hadn't we done this before?"

I wouldn't say that there is an abundance of native wildflowers along the trail, but enough to keep it interesting. It's nice and paved and the view includes some wetland, the town of Shelby, cornfields, and some wooded places. I think we'll definitely be biking this trail more this summer.

Compass plant
I also saw the first compass plant flower this year.

Compass plant

Yellow wood sorrel (I think Oxalis stricta).

Catalpa tree


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