What's Growing at Botna Bend

Cup plant

This morning, Kali and I met at Botna Bend to see what's growing. We found a lot of plants, including some that are new to me. Along the river, there are a LOT of huge cup plants. They're at least three feet tall now, but they're going to get way taller than me by the end of the summer with big yellow flowers. They have a thick square stem. The leaves form a cup around the stem. You can see water collected in the leaves:

Cup plant leaves

I've mentioned spiderwort a few times on this blog recently, but I had to post this photo because this is a huge bunch of it:


One of the "new to me" plants we found is tick trefoil:

tick trefoil
I believe the "tick" part of the name comes from the seed pods sticking to your clothes like ticks.

tick trefoil
One of the more common and recognizable prairie flowers is the purple coneflower.

Another is the common milkweed:

A really exciting find is this anemone. It might be a meadow anemone. There was a whole patch of them.

There is one plant that I can easily recognize in its late summer form, but I'd never seen it at this stage:

Rattlesnake master
This was a pretty big bunch of rattlesnake master!

Rattlesnake master

We saw quite a few others including daisy fleabane, compassplant, prairie larkspur, and white beardtongue. Very exciting to see what else we can find in the next few weeks and months.


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