Spiderwort at McFarland Park

McFarland Park is my favorite park near Ames. It's a county park with a nature center and trails in both prairie and wooded areas. A great place to spot flowers! My dad and I went on a walk there this morning to see what's blooming. We saw lots of spiderwort!

Spiderwort is an edible plant. Its blooms last one day and then turn to goo. 

This white flower is white beardtongue. There were lots of them, too (you can see them in the background two photos up). I think I've seen a lot of them in ditches lately, too.

A single purple coneflower.

Gooseberries! I saw lots of gooseberry plants but not lots of gooseberries.

Fern spores.

One more spiderwort for good measure.


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