Three Weeks of Blooms

For three weeks I've gone searching for blooms at Botna Bend. I posted some of my findings from June 18th here. In addition to those I previously posted, three weeks ago I found:

White beardtongue. AKA white penstemon. As of June 18th, I'd seen this around for a week. As of now, I've seen no more blooms.

Carolina horsenettle. This is not a true nettle. It's in the potato family. It's native to the SE and has spread throughout the U.S. Identifying this was a victory because it took a year! (It's not on any of my books, I just happened to see it on another website.) I saw more of this today. It may bloom for awhile.

Wild quinine, AKA American fever-few. It's in the aster family. Here is was a little more difficult to ID because these are baby-blooms. This week it looks a lot more like the photos in the plant guides (shown later).

Baby butterfly milkweed, not quite ready to bloom.

Prairie larkspur. I saw this blooming at least a week before and a week after, but today I didn't see any.

One week ago, June 25th, I found:

Yellow prairie coneflower, I think Ratibida columnifera. There was also black eyed susan. (There will soon be so many yellow asters, we won't be able to ID them all.)

Hoary vervain.

Blooming butterfly milkweed!

And today:

Purple prairie clover. I'd seen this before but this week is the first I've seen it with the little purple flowers!

The black eyed susan I started to see last week, but this is the first for the Germander (purple).

And here is the wild quinine now. Much more opened up.

Culver's root! Lots of it. Last year I only spotted this once and couldn't ever find it again. We'll see how long this bloom will last (I think it's just starting, I think it will have a fuller flower).

And for the finale: wild raspberry. Mmmm! Yes, these are raspberries, not blackberries. You can tell because you pull them off and they're hollow inside. Blackberries are not hollow.

There are lots of other things I wish I could post but these are some of the main things that I've found and ID'd. It changes really fast from week to week. There will be plenty more to come as summer goes on!


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